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Invisalign aligners are a modern orthodontic treatment that can effectively combat the misalignment of one’s teeth. A major benefit of the aligners is that they fit over the teeth and can be removed for easy cleaning. Still, the fact that aligners tend to rest along the gum line makes some prospective patients uneasy and has led many to the question, “Can Invisalign cause gum recession?” In this article, we answer this question, discuss preventive measures you can take to avoid gum recession, and discuss popular gum recession treatments like the pinhole surgical technique.
Can Invisalign Cause Gum Recession?
In rare cases, wearing Invisalign can cause gum recession. Risk factors for this condition include:
- Aligners that do not fit in your mouth correctly can cause gum recession. It is expected to feel some discomfort and gum irritation when you start wearing your aligners. However, if your Invisalign fits in your mouth correctly, these symptoms should go away in about two weeks when you get used to your aligners. If irritation and pain continue, we strongly recommend consulting your dentist, as your Invisalign might need to be adjusted.
- Insufficient oral hygiene while wearing Invisalign can also result in gum recession. In this case, gum recession occurs due to bacterial growth in the mouth, which causes gum disease, a chronic infection of the gum tissue.
- Having an untreated gum disease before starting Invisalign treatment can also pose the risk of developing gum recession.
- Wearing Invisalign for longer than you are supposed to is another risk factor for developing gum recession.
How to Prevent Gum Recession When Wearing Invisalign
If your Invisalign fits properly in your mouth and you have no preexisting oral health concerns, such as gum disease, following several simple hygiene rules can help significantly reduce the risk of gum recession.
Stay on Top of Your Oral Hygiene
Remove food debris and plaque from your teeth and gums regularly to prevent the development of gum disease, one of the leading causes of gum recession. Oral hygiene is essential when wearing aligners, as they cover the teeth snugly and prevent saliva from naturally cleaning them during the day. If not removed, food debris and bacteria can get trapped underneath your aligners, resulting in bacteria proliferating and harming the enamel of your teeth and the gum tissue.
When wearing Invisalign aligners, we recommend following these simple rules to boost the efficiency of your oral hygiene routine:
- Brush your teeth twice a day. Pay special attention to cleaning along the gumline.
- Floss your teeth every evening to remove plaque and food residue between the teeth.
- Clean your aligners twice a day—in the morning and the evening—by soaking them in a special solution for 3 minutes and then cleaning them with unscented soap and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Rinse your aligners every time you take them off and before putting them back in the mouth.
- Clean your teeth thoroughly after meals before putting your aligners back in your mouth.
- Do not forget to clean your Invisalign case with soap and a toothbrush.
- Consider enhancing your oral hygiene routine with a water flosser. This tool is effective for preventing gum disease, as it can effectively clean the teeth along the gum line and remove food debris and plaque in hard-to-reach areas in the mouth. However, remember that a water flosser is only effective as an additional step in your routine and can not replace traditional brushing and flossing.
Have Regular Checkups and Cleanings at Your Dental Office
Another crucial part of effective oral health care when wearing Invisalign is having checkups and professional cleanings at a dental office every six months. During a checkup, your dentist can spot any potential oral health issues before they turn into serious problems. Also, professional cleaning significantly reduces the risk of gum disease and, thus, gum recession, as your doctor can remove tartar (hardened plaque) from your teeth and gums that you cannot remove at home without special dental tools.
Gum Recession Treatment with Pinhole Surgical Technique
The Pinhole Surgical Technique is an effective solution for people with gum recession, regardless of the issue’s cause. This procedure is minimally invasive, as your doctor will create only a pin-sized hole in the gum. Stitches are not required after the procedure.
Pinhole Surgical Technique procedure typically takes no longer than an hour. The objective of the procedure is to reposition the gum tissue in the areas of recession using specialized instruments. Also, your doctor will insert collagen strips into the area to secure the tissue in its new position.
The pinhole surgical technique is most suitable for people with mild or moderate gum recession. However, people with severe gum recession might require additional methods of treatment.
Make an Appointment at LA Wilshire Perio
Make an appointment with a leading periodontist today to start your gum recession treatment. At the LA Wilshire Perio, we employ state-of-the-art techniques, such as The Pinhole Surgical Technique, among others, to deliver reliable results to our patients. We are looking forward to your visit.